There is a global scale talker that has lines like “main keygroup hey scale to variable scale 1 set”.
I cannot remember where the “variable scale 1…n” variables were initialized. Changing the variable scale that you want would be the clean solution. You can look up a whole number of predefined scales in the scale manager at the top (click on the “scale: Not set” entry and you will see a list of scales). Alternatively I think it is possible to define custom scales in square brackets with the semitone steps (e.g. [0,2,4,5,7,9,11,12])
Then you would have to find the place where the variables are initialized (it would have to be something along the lines “interpreter hey variable scale 8 to wholetone set” (I am not sure whether it’s the interpreter to be honest - but it would make sense - but could also be the scale manager(?)).
Alternatively you might get away with changing the line in the global scale talker from “main keygroup hey scale to variable scale 1 set” line to something like "“main keygroup hey scale to wholetone set”.
But I am not really sure anymore. @keymanpal do you still know how to do this?
Edit: If you don’t use most features of EigenD anyways and just want easy layouts (and are on macOS) it might be worth to look at EigenCore/EigenMapper, a straightforward UI from @Kai for creating custom layouts based on ground work from @thetechnobear : EigenharpMapper