Hardware controllers supporting MPE (wiki)

The similar terminology I know for that in the open-source community is “long-term support”:

yeah, I quite like legacy :slight_smile:

the issue I have is, there are many variations on what what not being current can mean.
the company may or may not be official trading still, the product might be not current, but still supported, or not supported ,but you have community support. the list is kind of endless.

however, its kind of irrelevant, no-one is going to come to a list, and buying based on that, or consider it authoritative / up to date - that be pretty dumb (imo). they need to research themselves - so in someways, a certain ‘vagueness’ is useful, to encourages to ‘dig deeper’.
(or, they can ask here for what the current situation is… many knowledgeable folk here.)

also, I don’t want to imply that ‘non-current’ is bad, lots of hardware remains perfectly usable for many years without updates etc. dont want to imply … “go buy the latest shiny thing” :slight_smile:

so yeah, quite like legacy, just implies its not ‘current’, buyer beware .

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