How long have you been playing expressive controllers/instrument?

I got the LinnStrument during the pandemic, in June 2021, so it has been over two years for me. It has been eye-opening in more ways than one.

I had no idea what synthesizers were, so the first year I was stumbling around trying to figure out why sounds were not being expressive. The second year I compiled lists of MPE Hardware, and wrote educational reference documents for the LinnStrument’s tritone layout, since there are very few, if any, resources to advance proficiency.

My current skill today is about 1/4 to 1/3 of my piano/keyboard skills, which is over 15 years of self-taught training. Due to the isomorphic layout of the LinnStrument, I do not need to learn multiple fingerings, so I am confident I will be able to fully translate my piano/keyboard experience to the LinnStrument by next year, on top of the MPE.

I still consider it to be the ideal MPE hardware controller because of its key-less design and open-source firmware, but if I had to choose a different MPE controller with “keys”, it would definitely be the Striso, since the firmware is licensed under the GPLv3.


Eigenharp and Soundplane are also open sourced :slight_smile:

what’s interesting about these two is… they both rely on a computer to run the controller software.
but time has meant that computer is increasingly ‘small’, i.e. you can run them using a rPI or other smaller SoC, to the point… its becoming more like a ‘dongle’, rather than needing a laptop.

of course for many using a laptop was a non-issue, since a controller also needs sounds/synths, so having a laptop to that as well was just part of the setup - so only an issue if you wanted a hardware only setup.

Yes, I am aware of the other open-source MPE hardware controllers, and was pretty close to getting a Soundplane myself at one point. The only issue is that they are discontinued and require community effort/experienced developers for support, whereas the LinnStrument and Striso are still actively supported.

After getting the LinnStrument, I spent a great amount of effort separating it from my laptop. Currently I use Linux on a live USB for Surge XT for musical purposes, because I am still waiting on the Anyma Omega Desktop to ship this December 2023.

The soundplane is still actively supported by Randy / Madrona Labs , also it wasn’t so much ‘discontinued’ , as rather a limited run ( I think 3 batches iirc). Perhaps one day there will be a new soundplane ( though I’d not hold my breath ;))

Indeed Eigenlabs/Eigenharp are essentially ( though never officially) discontinued … and indeed community supported. ( here :))

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I emailed Randy Jones about the status of the Soundplane Model A, so once they respond back I will quote them within a new post on this thread.

Alright Mark, here is what Randy responded back to me via email:

It is over. Lack of spare parts and ceasing all development means the Windows and Linux client for the Soundplane Model A can only happen with community effort/experienced developers, just like the Eigenharp product line’s current status.

Thank you for challenging my claim.

his reply is consistent with what I said :wink:

Soundplane was a limited run (I think 50 in each batch), so was not discontinued… Randy is just not making any more until if/when he makes a model B.
(as for repair, well yeah… limited run equals limited spare parts… thats pretty normal)

as for the Soundplane Client software it has only every been official released on the Mac, doesn’t really need further development… but Im sure if Apple broke it - then Randy would fix it.
the Linux stuff was from the community, and I dont think Randy ever committed to producing a linux or windows version of the client.

none of this has changed pretty much from the beginning… so its no more ‘over’ than it ever has been.

Like many music tech companies, Madrona Labs is a small (one man) company, and many don’t even work full time on these projects… they need to make a living elsewhere.
(e.g. for Randy, the VSTs likely make much more money than the Soundplane ever did)

this is different from Eigenlabs / Eigenharp … because Eigenlabs is pretty much defunct.
Eigenlabs let go of all their staff, and you’ll be lucky to get any reply from John if you try to email them.
in the last few years when Apple makes changes to macOS that break EigenD, its ME that fixes it … not Eigenlabs.

thats very different,
Randy is still around, and would support the existing Soundplanes and software (as best as he can), and there is no current new ‘run’ planned…
whereas Eigenlabs are more ‘vacant’. ( * ) and unlikely to provide support.

( * ) I should say, EigenLabs have been in this situation for a very long time, and despite this a few years back, John did actually repair my Alpha… though, I think others in more recent times have had difficulty making contact/getting support… so we dont know 100% what the situation is.

Okay, I will email Randy regarding whether or not the Soundplane Model A will restart production when the Model B is released, even though Randy already said there will be no developments for the Model A in the near future.

The Soundplane product page and its onesheet PDF says otherwise:

Clearly this information is outdated now.

Yes, I tried contacting John recently too on Eigenlabs and their personal website. Their contact page has a non-functioning Python script, and they have not responded to my email for a few months.

I appreciate you continuing to support EigenD’s development in spite of these financial circumstances.

I agree, limited support with no development is better than nothing.

He won’t do another run of the soundplane A … it’s been years since he did the last one…. and he has been talking about the B for nearly a decade :wink:
So I’d not hold my breath….

anyway, I assume you are not in the market as you are happy with your linnstrument - no?

And, Ive no horses in this race … I sold my soundplane a few months ago, too many other projects to give it the time it deserved … but I did enjoy it for the time I had it ( 8 years or so)

Sure, it is discontinued then. I still have a few other questions and concerns regarding the Soundplane for Randy to answer.

I only have the time and space for one MPE hardware controller, but I am always scrutinizing my decision two years ago against all of the others. I need to keep my perspective open in order to objectively compare all of them, otherwise I risk being emotionally attached to the LinnStrument and dismissing arguments or criticism against it. I am open to all products that dare to challenge its current position in my possession, subject to my gratis and libre open-source software criteria.

I am happy with the LinnStrument as a foundation, and as I said earlier, I still consider it to the be ideal MPE hardware controller, but only when compared to its open-source contemporaries such as the Striso, Soundplane, and the various Eigenharps. It has many issues surrounding it that make the experience incredibly frustrating, which seems to be shared among most if not all alternative controllers, expressive or not.

I understand and am already aware of how stretched you are with your various GitHub projects. I am glad you enjoyed your experience with the Soundplane Model A.