Just got half a Tau

I love the feel of the Eigenharp keys, although I admit my main experience has been with a friend’s Alpha that has the ebony keys… they are very, very different than what you get on a ZTar, which I also like but for different reasons.

IMNSHO comparing any Eigenlabs instrument to any Starr instrument is fatuous. Each key on an Eigenharp is a fully capable MPE joystick with very fine 3D sensitivity. If you push a ZTar key sideways or up and down, it’ll ignore you (or break), and pressure sensitivity varies from none at all (the GoTar) to pressure per Zone (higher-end ZTars).

Harvey and I have been in communication recently about my building a custom instrument possibly based on the Clipper DX or the ZB6, and he’s been very gracious about answering my questions and giving me a concrete understanding of what would be involved in having a device built to my specs… but we’re already at the Tau level of cost, and we haven’t even got into MPE X/Y movement on the keys. If you want fine-grained grid control and keys with actual tactile feedback and movement, you very quickly realize that Eigenharps are a huge damn bargain for what you get.

I’ll go away now; I admit I only read this because I saw “half a Tau” and got excited because that’s all I want, the upper half of a Tau that I can wear and play like an Artiphon. :wink: