Meta Morph : Early Access

Ditro. Will test more with Alpha this time.


ok, nearly there, release candidate just about to go out :slight_smile:

new panel designs

as a bit of a tease as the release is close nowā€¦
here are the new panel designs, and new logo, which Ive been working on with Ben Norland aka @bengersfood - Iā€™d like thank Ben, as we have been working on these for the last couple of months - and that effort (I think) has really paid off, they look great. Itā€™s fun working with someone like Ben, as it also pushes you a bit e.g. here we created some custom components, which add a bit of polish.

anyway, here are the much improved panels !


there are quite a lot of changes included, beyond the panels.
Strips now have absolute and relative outputs as well as a gate.
we now have output leds where we are routing the data around, which helps users know at a glance what is available.
the ā€˜device filterā€™ on eigenharp has been moved to a menu, as its not used by most users.

and, ofc, bug fixes, and a bit of rationalisation to give some improved consistency.

strip absolute/relative

this is now done, thanks for feedback yesterday.

Strip Abs is 0v to 10v, where 0v = top , 10v is bottom.
Strip Rel is -5v to 5v, and is your position relative to where you started the touch.
Strip Gate is high when you are touching the strip (useful for S&H)

some important notes about Strip Abs/Rel

  • Strip Abs does not reset to zero when you release the strip
  • Strip Rel does reset to zero when you release the strip
  • both have a quick ā€˜slewā€™ on them

I found Strip Abs its useful to keep the value on release, as you often use it for controlling a parameter they you want to ā€˜stay putā€™, or even just touch it at a certain point on the strip
however, Strip Rel is all about where you touch the strip, and things like pitch bend, you want to reset on release.

that said you can convert bothā€¦
Strip Abs could be made to reset by doing something like feeding into a vca + gate.
Strip Rel could be ā€˜heldā€™ by using a S&H module.
so really, Im just trying to hit the most common use-case.

Slew , when mixing at audio rate, you really do not want sharp stepping values , even at 10bit resolution , it creates many artefacts. consider the slew as making it more ā€˜analogā€™ where nothing is really instantaneous. that said it is a very fast slew, so you may not even see it, let alone hear it.

one important eigenharp hardware note :
bare in mind, strips on eigenharps generally need a ā€˜firmā€™ pressure.
so, if you are not careful and ā€˜let upā€™ then Strip Rel will ā€˜resetā€™ ā€¦ that said, this mostly happens when you are trying to use a lot of the strip range.


Looking great! nice logo :wink: thanks for all the work @bengersfood and @thetechnobear !
some :beers: :beer: are on holdā€¦

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I can try it on Linux since Macs are covered.

its initially Mac (x86/arm) only.
Iā€™ll add linux once this is working.

also, ive always been a little hesitant on linux, even though I use it a lot - as there are so many versions, I simply do not have the time to start doing multiple linux builds, which will likely be used by one user each :laughing:

that said, vcv only supports linux x86_64, so I will only target that.

also, I will, be releasing this as open source on GitHub. so others are free to build on whatever.
(BUT pico users will need the pico decoder for the platform they use, and that I cannot release as its not open source)

while im hereā€¦ windows will also come post launch.
likely I will use release on the libusb stack rather than the eigenlabs driver.
as this would be a good ā€˜experimental testbedā€™ to see how that fairs.
ive previously tried and it was good BUT it will required detailed testing and also documentation to explain to users how to install the libusb driver.

I think this is the best way forward, as we slowly try to eliminate all code we dont have access to in the public domain, and move to more modern toolsets which is vital for future OS incl 64bit support.

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Call out : does any one have an INTEL Mac running Somona (14.2.1) ?

I need someone to run a simple test with the release candidate.

in testing we have noticed an issue where the main eigenharp module will crash if it is removed.

however, it ONLY does this on Intel Mac.
AND it does NOT crash if I use the INTEL build on my Mac M1 (via Rosetta)

however, none of my testers are running the latest macOS (as I am) .
I therefore need someone to check on an INTEL Mac running Somona.

this will help ensure, that this is purely Arm vs Intelā€¦ and not, Somona vs older macOS.

honestly, I think it will crash on Somona/Intel ā€¦ but we need to tick that box for testing.
as currently we have little data to go on to track down the issue.

anyway, DM me, if youā€™d like to help and have an intel/somona Mac.

EDIT: no longer neededā€¦ as bug has been squished

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Which scales should we include with base install?

the Scaler module is based on scala files, so I just need to include the relevant scala files.

note: only want to load a few commonly used ones, as loading them takes a little cpu, and each scale also consumes memory. ā€¦ so you cannot just downloads and supply every scala file :wink:

Ive currently got pentatonic, and aeolian.

let me now ones that you think are 100% needed, out of the box - including a link to scala file.

Some of the ones present on the Pico setup
Harmonic Min
Pentatonic Maj

(Iā€™m on iPhone, will find links later :wink:

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closed for release