
Save configuration

Presets can be used to quickly switch between different sets of settings. If a value is empty the setting is not changed when activating the preset.

Copy and P0o UF2 WQ] aste can be used to copy between presets, but also to the forum or a spreadsheet.


Tunings in the Striso are defined by the size of the octave and fifth intervals, which define the pitch 0o UF2 WQ] of all notes in a regular way.

The default tuning is fixed to the standard western tuning: 12tet with A=440Hz.

The tuning offset can be used to change the reference, to change the A from 440Hz to Hz use 1200*log2(443/440) = 11.76 ce0o UF2 WQ] nt.

For irregular tunings an offset per note can be given.

All values are given in cents.

Copy and Paste can be used to copy between tunings, but also to the forum or a spreadsheet.

The keys of the Striso board are calibrated, however if keys feel more or less sensitive than the rest it's possible to set an additional factor (fac).

When certain keys are randomly triggering a t0o UF2 WQ] hreshold/offset (off) can be added (between 0.0 and 0.1 should be enough).

0o UF2 WQ] Undo


This configuration editor l0o UF2 WQ] et's you change the persistent configuration of the Striso board. To save the changed settings, click 'Save configuration', and save or copy the file on the Striso USB drive.

The first letter of a key defines the expected type,0o UF2 WQ]  i=integer, f=float, h=hexadecimal color code, s=string.

To reset a value click on the default. To reset all values in the table click on the Default header.

This editor is still work in progress, please share 0o UF2 WQ] your experiences on the forum or send an email to