Blank Note Diagram

Is there a blank diagram of empty circles of the Striso available somewhere? It would be nice for designing a mapping

I’m trying to be able to play it the Ancient Greek Greater Perfect System. I think that with 8ve=1200¢ and 5th=701.9955¢ I can hit the fixed notes since they’re all simple 4/3s and 3/2s from the μέσε (E3 would be the μέσε, F3 would be the παραμέσε) without tweaking individual notes, then F#3, G#3, and A#3 could be tweaked to the συνήμενον (assuming as I am that the μέσε is a συναφέ, as Wikipedia seems to suggest). Of course, this would all be for just one tuning such as Archytas’s Enharmonic, so I’d need to create a layout on these principles for each I intend to use, but that’s only 3, really

Illustration of how the fixed notes would map. Keys labeled with blue but not green would need to be manually tweaked; keys labeled with neither blue nor green fall outside the Greater Perfect System. Be warned that the skew is rather off, as I was doing it by hand

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In the firmware source there is a file called striso_notelayout.svg with a lot of layers with different layouts in different layers, including a blank one. You can open it in Inkscape to change the visibility of the layers.
You can find the file here: striso-control-firmware/doc at main · striso/striso-control-firmware · GitHub

I think you’re describing the Pythagorean tuning, which is one of the tunings already there. It’s always a good exercise to draw it anyway :slight_smile:

Good luck and keep us posted on your progress and discoveries!


Awesome; thank you!

I have not checked the ratios of the 2nds and 3rds in the Striso Pythagorean, but indeed there are 3-limit tunings attested for the Greater Perfect System, though I am more interested in the 5-limit and 7-limit options (which are also attested). But in any case the 4ths, 5ths, and 8ves stay 3-limit in all tunings

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