Bug, factory error or calibration issue?

Hi everyone,

I’m wondering if anyone has experienced this issue with the Continuumini:

in lots of different presets, take for example 1 28 koto,
when (almost fully or fully) pressing down with one finger, it often causes a very rapid constant retriggering of an additional note at the same position, effectively causing a big burst of attacks (in this case the noise burst that is bound to every note instance).

Is it a known issue? Can it be resolved in the settings or with calibration?
Hoping to be pointed in the right direction here because it makes a lot of the presets somewhat unplayable for me.

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Have you experimented with the actuation setting?

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Actuation has nothing to do with ContinuuMini. Double notes usually are solved with a factory surface recalibration. Very common issue with the Mini if it gets shaken or disturbed or sometimes after a firmware upgrade. ContinuuMini Calibration Guide.docx - Google Drive

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