Config Editor: number translation?

Because the config editor is not live, it seems the best way to dial in settings I want is to adjust from the board, write down the dots 0-15, and then apply in the config editor from these notes. However, none of the settings in the config editor have a range of 0-15. Pitch tilt is -4 to 4, threshold is 0-1. So the best I can do is some math and convert a range of 1-16 (0-15) to whatever range is in the config.

Firstly, is this method of conversion working as I think? And if so, this is not ideal and I think it should be possible to enter in a number 0-15 for every parameter in the config editor to best translate settings found live to presets.


That is indeed roughly how it works. I agree that it’s not ideal, and I like the idea of a simple 0-15 conversion input. That should be easy to add until a more user friendly interface is ready.

Ideally a live connection would be added too, but that requires some more effort.

Thanks for the suggestion.