I’ve been playing with the api a bit (on EMM),
and wanted to discuss the current status of 10.35 with respect to editor/api.
partly, just to confirm my understanding is correct
I was playing with the Ratio and Jenny ovelays, I noticed a couple of things.
a) change in the overlay patch do NOT update in the EM Editor.
Im pretty sure of this, but want to confirm…
I could not see changes to the extended macros.
I also could not see other changes being reflected.
my assumption is, that the EM Editor has not been updated to use the ‘api’ (poke etc).
and so its only updating to the original (cc, non-stream based) messages
Ive not verified this, but thought Id ask before digging into the code to check !
is this the case?
if, so, is it planned to change this for release… or this is a nice to have for the future?
(I don’t mind, I can see why its not necessary, really just want to confirm whats going on ;))
b) overlay synths do not select patches.
as far as I could tell, if the user want to use the Ratio overlay, they have to load, and manually select the ratio preset.
I assume this will not be the case for release.
for my synths, my plan is to actually send the ‘required preset’ when the overlay starts…
(I’ll kind of ‘embed’ it within my ‘app’) so the user does not have to do anything.
c) does the firmware send back the ‘poke’ message on preset recall (related to (a))
use-case : user saves my overlay onto the EMM, if they then recall this preset whilst my overlay editor is running, I want to get back the same messages as I used to configure…
i.e. its a full bi-directional protocol.
k, disclosure, Ive not checked this yet… again just asking as I assume its easy for someone to answer
and as a dev, I need to know… should I continue work on my current api, that decodes the 10.09 messages, and translate these to the new 10.35.
again, for clarity… Im not asking for any changes, or have expectations
I just need to know, to frame some of the development work im doing.