Thanks for sharing that link. @jaecexd. I hadn’t thought about using a thin/flexible 3d-printed “floating” frame for each key. I wonder how that would hold up under repeated musician use though? Maybe each key top would need to be easily swappable in case it breaks. It was definitely cool to see them using a 3D Hall effect sensor though, just as I was planning to.
Regarding my own DIY work in this thread - I haven’t worked on this in some months - it’s been on the back burner compared to other projects.
The latest progress I made was that I prototyped a single floating magnet key with my 3d printer, using the TIMAG5273 evaluation module, and some small magnets I bought.
I think I proved the concept somewhat - was able to get some nice input. However, I found that the key would often get “stuck” instead of consistently returning to its “home” state when I was done pressing it. My guess was that this was caused by the ridges that were artifacts of how the 3d printing is done in strands of filament. To eliminate the ridges would require some sanding, of both the keys and the “docking holes” where the keys slide back into their home position.
I still think it’s a cool idea, and would like to pursue it someday.
However, today I just purchased a used Eigenharp Alpha in this thread, so it’s less likely that I’ll want to put a lot of time into this DIY project if I end up fully satisfied with the “real Eigenharp experience”.