you didn’t load the pico factory setup in the above load (at least not according to the log) - I need to see the default factory pico setup to be able to check it.
vendor id/product id →
you didn’t load the pico factory setup in the above load (at least not according to the log) - I need to see the default factory pico setup to be able to check it.
vendor id/product id →
Same link on my AnonymousOverflow instance:
Ok, I made sure to load the Pico factory setup for this one and I have attached a screenshot of the hardware IDs.
ok, it looks like you pressed two keys… did they not light up?
do any leds light up at all on the pico?
id try again, and press keys and the round buttons, as its important to know if no leds are turning on at all.
Im saying press random keys, as Im assuming you dont know how this setup works, but could be useful also look this up in the manual …so you know what should be happening.
log - ok, so looks fine, pico is loaded and being communicated with, and even generating key presses. so its looks like its working !
and if thats the case, Ive no idea why the leds would not light up.
its not something Ive seen before, if the pico is “working” generally.
its a bi-directional conversation between pc->pico, so we’d not see key presses if one direction was not working…
so receiving touches and no errors, without leds coming on is very strange.
btw: its not surprising if you dont get any sound - that would be 100% normal, for 2 reasons.
a) factory preset - you need to set your audio interface.
it defaults to the first one (and as you have many) its likely selected on you do not expect.
Id be very tempted for testing purpose to simplify your setup, so you can really test the pico, without worry about if other usb devices are interfering.
b) resources
there are a number of resources that are not included in the install, you need to install these separate e.g. samples/vsts etc… I cannot see if these are installed or not.
so the leds not lighting up are worrying…
Id really like to know if the pico is working outsides of this ‘issue’.
what you could do is load the pico midi setup, this is quite a simple one.
though you’ll need to open up workbench and setup the midi output module to point to somewhere appropriate.
this would allow you to see if the pico is actually creating “touches” or not.
sorry, apart from that its hard to know where to go next… as I said logs show its working fine.
anything above that is, frankly, speculation
so what we need now, is some proof, or not, that its just the leds that are acting up. hence my suggestions above.
the “fear” here is its a hardware issue, e.g. the led circuit in the pico.
ofc, I dont want to say this is the case, without ruling everything else out.
esp. as Ive never seen or heard of this issue before.
(whenever Ive seen a pico fail before, usually it fails to connect / communicate)
@NothanUmber , you have more experience with using EigenD on windows,
have you see this before? (no leds)
does the EigenD (experimental) + resources still work ‘out of the box’ on windows?
to get some sound? e.g samples etc.
anyone else, able to give a step by step guide on how to run the midi setup on the pico on windows.
Im assuming we have to set midi output as the virtual midi output wont work on windows.
(I ask, as Ive not got EigenD setup on a windows machines at the moment, and its be a bit of a pain/time consuming to install/setup just to test this)
When the USB cable is in halfway, there appear to be full red lights for a second or so.
Otherwise, I keep getting the windows ‘connecting’ and ‘disconnecting’ sounds, so it’s probably the cable?
Thanks so much for your help
With Modular Synth from the example setups, I get three green lights
I feel slightly responsible here as @Medley bought this thing off me on eBay a few weeks ago.
I can confirm that all the playing keys were working in terms of being able to play tunes, as I tested that. All the LEDs were working in the past, though I didn’t specifically check them. It would be odd if they’d all failed, but.
Naturally you can return it if it turns out to be defective, but I appreciate the help of Technobear and others to try and get it working. I was never an expert on the config. (Did I include a cable? Can’t remember. Clearly should have. I can send one over, though I’m not completely sure which one I tested with.)
I’m pretty confident it’s working now, I continued to change setups and now I have lights on every one so far. Unless any of you think there’s more to it than that, I should be good to go now? Next step is to get some sound out of it, so I will approach that tomorrow. Thanks for your kind offer.
cool, if its working with one setup - then yeah, Id be confident all is good
Sorry, have just seen the comment. Have not seen a difference between Mac and Windows regarding Pico leds. Have only used your EigenD version for a long time (without the resources as I don’t use those anyways). But the official EigenD experimental worked still on Windows 7 and 10, see no reason why it shouldn’t work on Windows 11? Win 11 should still be able to run 32 bit programs as usual. But haven’t tried.
Could you please tell me how to edit the MIDI output destination within the workbench? And for future reference, is there a good tutorial or manual around to teach me the ins and outs of EigenD?
I’m trying to run the same patch as you did
Thank you
Sorry, I was a bit hasty asking how, I think I’ve worked out how to do it. From what I gather, I need to route the loopMIDI port I’ve set up to the input of a synth in my DAW, is that right?
Will let you know how it goes shortly
These were the steps I took…
I used this patch…(keys and breath pressure)
(It might also need some menu selection on the Pico, can’t remember.)
I refer you to the caveat in the listing.
Hehe, I always did like a challenge.
In the workbench, do I want to be adding a MIDI input, output, other? This is what I have so far and I’m not getting any sound (see pic.) Is there a way to see if MIDI is leaving EigenD? The problem could be on my DAW side, I’m actually in the middle of setting up all my MIDI stuff and I must admit, I’m not great at understanding the signal flow currently so please bear with me.
I don’t know what you’re looking at there as it’s not the same as my screenshot. MIDI Output 2? What’s that? But the simplest way to monitor MIDI on Windows is MIDI Ox.
It looks like you’ve added an extra node? No need for that, just edit the existing one.
Ah, I see, thanks for clearing that up.
Still getting no sound, although I did get some sound to play but it was more of drone note, now Eigen D is telling me the breath pipe is blocked.
I’m pretty sure my settings on Ableton are correct and everything else really so I’m at a bit of a loose end. MIDI OX isn’t showing anything so I’m not sure why I’m receiving the breath pipe message.
Please advise
if you remove the pipe the message should go away. for now, Id focus on the other issues. come back to this later.
do you have a hardware midi device to test with?
using virtual midi with things like loop midi just complicates the issue, another thing to potentially not work - outside of the eigend/pico.
(yes, it should work, but its hard to know where to look if its not working)
also I would try using the midi basic setup, as this is a nice simple setup.
because things like factory setup require you to select correct rig etc, and the fingerer/strummer also do some thing kind of different - which again might confuse.
also when you are using any of these setup - you need to ensure you select your audio interface, and set a sample rate in EigenD audio setup.
why if we are just using midi? because the pico is run at audio rate and so needs and audio clock - you will then need to save the setup, so that it uses this next time.
(I think in theory it should default to one, so should be ok, but its worth checking)
tl;dr; I think its important to really simplify what you are doing, and only using things outside of eigend you know are working. avoid complications - so we can focus on eigend.
I have several keyboard syntheisers with MIDI, an RME Fireface UFX Audio/MIDI interface, a KentonUSB to MIDI converter and a Kenton MIDI thru box and Kenton MIDI merge box, the latter two are coming in the post fairly soon. Will any of these things do? I could probably route MIDI to one of my synths?
I have selected my interface in EigenD and I believe the sample rate defaulted at 44.100 hz.
Thank you for the continued support!
so yes, id connect up synth , use the midi preset
then edit the preset in eigend(using workbench) to change the midi output object to point to your synth.
then in the midi setting in eigend, you’ll see options about what midi messages to send. but you can leave this for the moment.
the main thing Id check here is that its using midi channel 1 (and not mpe) but Im pretty sure thats the default.
the other setting you may want to alter is the midi message throttling, as some hardware synths (and midi interfaces) will not like messages being sent too quickly.
(by default the pico will be sending a lot of pitchbend and cc messages :))
Some joy at last! I followed your instructions and I’m getting sound out of my synth. I didn’t have to change the throttling or anything.
I suppose this confirms there’s something going wrong with my MIDI routing to software?
Thanks, feels great to hear the Pico sing.
You’ve helped me so much already but do you happen to have any ideas as to what I need to change on the software side of things?