Erae Touch V1.3

I tried this yesterday…

I’d echo, I do think it is better.
really the Eraa Touch is much more usable to me now… adding the ability to change the CC and midi channel on the device, particularly, has made it more attractive to use.

I still have a few issues… @embodme

the worst one (by far) is Im seeing it breaking a touch (gate on)… usually when on initially touch, but occasionally at note off.

what does this look like…

I press the surface once… so would expect one long note,
but what I see (when recording)
is VERY short note, (note-on/note-off), followed by a new note for the duration I expect.
so something like e.g.
N N----------------------------------------------------------------------N

or as above, the note is on for the duration, but rather than just on release, and then there is a very short note as I release e.g.
N----------------------------------------------------------------------N N

to be very clear… these ‘stray notes’ are extremely short, not something you would play.

what I think is happening, is during early/late part of the touch, its probably dropping below the min threshold and then bouncing back up, this is being interpreted as two touches.
I think this is ‘fine’, its a limitation of the technology

however, I think a bit of more hysteresis in the touch algo could resolve this.
particularly in the note-on example, the note is so short, I think the firmware could wait a ‘tiny’ fraction to see if the note ‘reappears’ quickly, and so just continues the note.

the delay could be ‘configurable’ as it could potentially responsiveness a tiny bit…but its really so short I don’t think so.

the note-off could be done in a similar fashion i.e. don’t allow new note on (for same note) within a fraction of ms

I do think this area is really important…
as we’ve mentioned before, the most important thing , beyond anything else for an instrument is it behaves consistently… you cannot have it dropping notes, or introducing new ones.
as it just sounds like you are playing badly.

(obviously, how much this unexpected behaviour can be heard depends very much on the sound source you are using… !)

if that means loosing responsiveness, so be it… consistency is king here.
I can play around latency/responsiveness but not pseudo random behaviour.