I really love the Erae Touch, its a really solid v1 firmware.
but here are a few things I think would really help it shine
midi parameters
currently things like MIDI channel , MPE on/off are defined in layouts
this means if you want a piano on channel 1 and channel 2, you need 2 layouts.
this is fine for performance, but in the studio it can be a bit limiting.
Id love the main MIDI screen to be touch reactive,
allow you to change midi channel, and turn mpe mode on/off
does not need to be as ‘in depth’ as ERAE Lab, but just a few vital parameters like midi channel/mpe
octave change feedback
musical layouts do not change (visually) when you change octave, so currently there is no visual feedback when you hit +/-
as a minimum, Id like to see the +/- light when you press them for some feedback
(they do have a positive click, but still visual reinforcement is useful)
perhaps later, also some way to colour different octaves on key/drum pad elements?
things not working as per manual?
there are a few combos that are as described per manual, in particular calibration.
also a couple of things missing, that I think would be really useful
- automatic recalibration
- sleep
touch spacing
Eras Touch is really good, but it seems to have a minimum spacing of elements on key/drum pad of about 3 elements. (*)
the issue is if you use 3 wide elements, you have to hit them dead centre for them to activate…
if you hit the centre on one pad, and slightly off centre on the adjacent pad, it’ll often not trigger (it thinks its part of the first touch)
Im not sure how much this is due to sensor accuracy, but if possible Id love to see this minimum touch distance reduced… 2 would be perfect, but any improvement would help playability.
( * ) I think 3 width is much more usable than 4, which I find for my fingers a bit wide to be comfortable .
also of course 3, gives us more musical range/pads