It seems like I might have an EraeLab bug. I hope it is rather than a hardware sensor. If I place a fader that overlaps or is on the 10th dot column from the right, it remains fixed in a position at the bottom and won’t move. Is anyone having a similar issue? I’m going to bug report it today.
Of course we would like to have the device send midi data from the lightest touch AND start from 1, and then also with minimal jumps between different values. To me it seems that the implementation to start from 10 is just a lazy fix from Embodme to have the device exclude some signal noise, and false triggers, like you mentioned. But surely you can adjust your receiving software/hardware to nevertheless take the 10 value to be equal to 1? I have many input devices/midi-keyboards that, similar to the Erae 2, don’t register/send values all the way down to 1, where I when needed use this workaround.
I have to say that Embodme’s support has been excellent so far. I’ve submitted 3 tickets and they have gotten back to me within 1 day. They are sending me a new skin due to mine having creases in the surface. They said it should never have passed quality control that way. I’m impressed with how they’ve handled thing in light of the fact that this must be their busiest time now!
Same as me, I feel the lumpiness at the left bottom side and it seems like the touch sensitivity is glitchy at this place. I have to press hard and the note stop . Is it the same as you ? I feel Bad !
Sounds similar except mine was in a different place. I submitted a ticket and they are going to send me another skin, though mine had visible creases that I could photograph.
I have flecks of debris in or under the fabric of my Erae 2.
You can see them moving when you press.
Just wondering if this is supposed to be an effect. To me it does not look right.
Do you have a photo of these debris flecks?
I’m having to send my Erae II back. They haven’t said specifically but they must suspect I got a defective unit. They have been very responsive in their support and I really appreciate it.
So, hey.
Clunky workaround extended, by way of Blokas MIDI Hub.
I think.
read disclaimers below
Note: this is two more MPE elements (keygrids, drumpads) than we’re allowed in a single layout, at least for now. But, you can have more if they’re spanning two layouts, and maybe you want to keep six of them separate from each other.
I think six is our upper limit, though. Two dividing the USB output, and two more for each of the TRS Midi outs.
(I keep forgetting MIDI Hub exists, and that I own several of it. But for all of its limitations, this use case is very much in its wheelhouse.)
This is mostly important if you’re in Ableton Live, because it circumvents their MPE Zone negligence.
Edited to add
I guess in hindsight, I don’t need some of those channel operations. Once I’ve filtered out the lower zone from one row, transforming the upper zone for its new output can be as simple as moving ch16 to 1. (Ableton is already going to scramble the rest.)
Edit 2
Some of my wording is oversimplified in that image. And some of that crosses over to inaccurate
Erae 2 has TRS output, and comes with two adapters for traditional 5 pin DIN MIDI cables.
MIDI Hub has four of those 5 pin DIN inputs and outputs. it does not have TRS inputs or outputs.
Conflating the two was forgivable on the MIDI Hub inputs, as it’s still describing the TRS outs from Erae 2.
But describing the MIDI Hub output as TRS was just sleep deprived lunacy.
(Granted, we can buy additional dongles to make it thus.)
Anyway, I’ll update the image and delete this clarification later.
I should have thoroughly tested this configuration before even mentioning it. Enthusiasm may have got the best of me.
The logic is sound, in the editor. So, everything should work,
But if you don’t already have MIDI Hub to experiment with, please wait on this thread before rushing out to purchase one based on it.
I’ll report back soon.
All right, fine. My PC is acting up, and this “test thoroughly and report back” plan is not going to happen today. But really, that’s a conclusive test in and of itself.
Bottom line, MIDI Hub is less optimal than I thought for this. It doesn’t have a USB MIDI Host port, so you’re going to need a computer to route Erae into it, at which point, you might as well do your channel splits there.
I’m sure there adapters and workarounds, but we’re bandaging the wrong solution now.
Embodme found a faulty FSR sensor and are going to replace the part and return it. Considering that my skin was defective as well, it calls into question the unit as a whole. Clearly the quality control was lax that day for my unit. I was disappointed as I assumed they would replace it with a new tested controller. As it is, I feel like I’m getting a B-Stock unit for full price and feel a little uneasy about it. I have to say, in some ways they’ve been very responsive, but in other ways, to me, they seem a little tone deaf about their customers.
Old feeling, I’m afraid