Hi there, I’m quite new to MPE, but have some experience with Max.
I’m trying to decipher the output of Osmose (port 2) with the help of Max, with the goal to make my own instruments and Midi FXs mainly in M4L.
I’m looking for practical resources. Do you have tips ? Good practice advices ? Please let me know !
So far, what I understood is (please feel free to comment/correct me !) :
Using mpeparse and midi parse objects, I found that :
Each voice has its own channel from 2 to 16. Per channel, I’ve witnessed 4 messages :
- pitch bend (you have to use the @hires 1 attribute to make it useable)
- aftertouch : this is the press of the ‘first press zone’ of the key, [0-127]
- CC 74 and 87: cc74 relays the pressing of the key. Once you’ve reach the end of the ‘aftertouch zone’, cc74 goes [0-127]. CC87 happens concurrently to the ‘aftertouch zone’ : but I don’t get what is the nature of this value.
- a pair of note and velocity : velocity is either 0 or 127 (off and on), and ignore the ‘note on’ threshold in the ‘sensitivity’ settings.
‘Poly key pressure’ output of midi parse never outputs anything : what is it used for ?
Then, how do you use this data ?
My assumptions are :
[polymidiin] is an object that helps dealing with mpe data in a [poly~] patcher
What else ?
I hope you’ll forgive my chaotic/heuristic approach to this. Looking forward for your help !