New Eigenharp Pico - trouble with sound

btw: some alternatives to EigenD…

if you like modular, perhaps looks at my VCV rack modules

if you’d like use with as a midi contorller, you could look at ECMapper

both of these are based off of my EigenLite library, which is much more ‘up to date’ for macOS, and support native arm builds. (whereas EigenD uses rosetta for apple silicon)

as for EigenD, it should be stable…
stalling during loading, it can take a while sometimes, and importantly do NOT switch setups… it is much quicker to quit EigenD, and then restart it to load a new setup.

in this vain, what I do (and recommend if you like to use different setups), is make the default setup on load to be the ‘empty/blank’ one.
this means you can quickly then load the one you really want quickly.
(ofc, if you always use the same setup , then you can just set that as the default)

as for crashing on exit, yeah, sometimes that can happen… its a bit unclear whats going on, its something to do with pico and the macOS usb stack ( * ) and some kind timing issue.
fortunately, its only a ‘shutdown issue’, I’ve not seen any evidence of it crashing during playing.

(you don’t mention which Mac you are using e.g. intel / arm, or which macOS version you are using.)