Hello. I am brand new to the whole digital music hobby (from concertinas and strings) and am absolutely overwhelmed by the possibilities. I have played my CME Xkey through ThumbJam on the iPad for literally hours some days, and love it. However, the only “expression” features are velocity and some aftertouch. So, enter MPE! I am waiting for delivery on my new QuNexus Red, and would like any feedback or suggestions from any who have used it in this configuration, or similar; mostly as live instrument; don’t care much yet about sequencing, etc.
Thanks, and regards,
Welcome! I came from a string background too and never really liked using midi devices until my first Seaboard. I have a QuNexus and it’s great. It’s very expressive and easy to use. I’m not sure what specific questions you’re asking, but this is definitely the place to ask them. Everyone on here is extremely kind and helpful. Connecting an MPE controller to an MPE synth (like ThumbJam) is no different than connecting a standard MIDI controller. I don’t really use ThumbJam, but I assume if you know how to use it with your Xkey then connecting the QuNexus would be easy. I would recommend downloading the Seaboard 5D app because it’s a great way to visualize MPE and it’s free and has some cool sounds. Good luck!
Thanks very much for the welcome, and the tips. I will check the Seaboard app you suggest. And as far as connecting the XKey to Thumbjam, I just took what happened and enjoyed it. The Q board will have a ton more, and from the time I have spent looking so far, the KM folks have a much clearer manual (and app?) than the CME XKey folks. I was about to pursue a Roli, but the corporate changes and the Lumi backorder put me off…not to mention the QuNexus comes in at 200 USD for a bargain. I can’t wait (tomorrow, they say) for delivery. How do you use yours?
Thanks again, and regards,
Here’s the review after one day with the QuNexus Red and the iPad, which I mostly use as software synth and sampled instruments in ThumbJam, but have also used with Roli 5D.
I am new to the whole business (MIDI, electronic music, and all) so need much more time with the setup “Editor” app, which inconveniently only lives on a PC or Mac, so it’s plug out, plug in, adjust, save, and plug back…not the slick way to get rapid feedback on lots of settings. And, I am not swift enough to get consistent responses, even when I think I have saved/applied settings. As I say, much work needed.
The good news is that it seems to be fully compatible/compliant, and sometimes when I have it right it is almost eerily responsive. Vibrato/wobble/warble/chortle all there at the extended push of a finger, and each key works individually in those regards. I just need time, as I suspected I would. The key feel is OK to me (as a non-traditional keyboard player) but the slightly frictious silicone feel makes the glissando stuff less elegant and instant than on my CME X-Key, which I dearly love. Anybody with this board and iPad have any experience or suggestions?
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Jaygalfo, I should have PM’d you…can that be done on this site?
Yes it can! Click on the person’s name.
I hope you have a lot of fun with your controller and the expressive possibilities. thumbjam has been around forever, and gives you a lot of possibilities for very little money. My best advice is to stick with it as your only app for as long as possible to develop your playing, before trying other apps. There are now dozens of them that handle MPE, provided in a big list on Roger Linn’s website… That’s a rabbit hole you don’t want to fall down just yet. 
Thanks for the good wishes, and the excellent advice! I know you are right about the rabbit hole! I am still going through the “forgive me for cheating” rationale about the switch from pure acoustic instruments. It’s great fun!
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