This looks amazing, and especially for Starr Labs Ztarists…
This looks amazing, and especially for Starr Labs Ztarists…
Got to try it at NAMM. It definitely does what it says on the label, and is worth a hard look when they start selling them in quantity (which will be soon, as they are now partnered with Roland). Basically you can do the usual MPE key-movements with the hand wearing the ring, and even if the key doesn’t move as expected, the sound does. With limitations, of course… it can’t send different data per finger.
It’s surprising how all the demos are keyboard-centric, considering how much closer something like this could bring Launchpad X to competing with Linnstrument.
(Those are fighting words, I know.)
I have yet to take the plunge and buy one, but it looks like a wonderful add-on, for Starr Labs Ztars.
Maybe I can convince my wife and I can configure it especially for Ztars, and maybe keyboards as well…
As an off-topic aside, I just bought Pen2Bow for the ipad. It’s totally wonderful.
Such a time saver when putting MPE expression into string and violin parts, but also amazing on synth.
.It has quickly become my number one tool for studio recording.
I can just input parts into Cubase as normal, and then edit them on the ipad later… Voila! The parts have all come to life and sound much more emotional and human IMO, and very real.