The current EigenD software for Eigenharps gives us users a lot of flexibility. But this flexibility also comes at the cost of complexity and maintenance effort.
So it would be interesting to know - how are people actually using their Eigenharps? Which features of EigenD do you rely on?
Here a proposal for a questionaire:
Which Eigenharp do you use?
Which layout do you use?
Do you use EigenD agents for sound generation (if yes: which?) or only MIDI out?
Which of the EigenD tools do you use? Workbench, EigenCommander, EigenBrowser, brpc
Do you rely on / use Belcanto?
Which additional features of EigenD do you use?
Do you use additional non-EigenD software with your Eigenharp? (thetechnobear’s MEC or creator, a DAW for hosting plugins, etc.)
On which operating systems are you using your Eigenharp software?
Which Eigenharp do you use?
Alpha, Pico (have still a Tau that I haven’t touched in ages)
Which layout do you use?
on Pico: either standard diatonic, standard chromatic or a custom Fingerer based setup
on Alpha(/Tau): exclusively a custom chromatic layout (a grid-based variant of the Bayan layout)
Do you use EigenD agents for sound generation (if yes: which?) or only MIDI out?
Pico: the clarinet sound, MIDI out
Alpha: only MIDI out
Which of the EigenD tools do you use? Workbench, EigenCommander, EigenBrowser, brpc
only Workbench these days when using EigenD
config files for MEC
Do you rely on / use Belcanto?
No (used it indirectly when using the creator)
Which additional features of EigenD do you use?
on Pico: Fingerer
on Alpha: Keygroups for the custom layout
Do you use additional non-EigenD software with your Eigenharp? (thetechnobear’s MEC or creator, a DAW for hosting plugins, etc.)
mostly using MEC instead of EigenD
DAW: GigPerformer 3
On which operating systems are you using your Eigenharp software?
Pico: MacOS Catalina, Windows 10, Organelle M
Alpha: MacOS Catalina, Organelle M
additional notes
have also experimented with a Raspberry Pi3 but am not using this for Eigenharps atm.
Which Eigenharp do you use?
Primarily Tau, sometimes Alpha, rarely Pico
Which layout do you use?
Chromatic rows, C as tonic, four note offset per row. Very often split in two zones, but not always.
Do you use EigenD agents for sound generation (if yes: which?) or only MIDI out?
Only midi out. Usually three midi devices, two MPE for two zones, and one for the percussion keys (not MPE).
Which of the EigenD tools do you use? Workbench, EigenCommander, EigenBrowser, brpc
Workbench and EigenCommander (EigenCommander for running scripts)
Do you rely on / use Belcanto?
Yes, I write the various “parts” of my setups as separate scripts, and then create my setup by executing the parts that I want to include.
Which additional features of EigenD do you use?
Nothing special I can think of.
Do you use additional non-EigenD software with your Eigenharp? (thetechnobear’s MEC or creator, a DAW for hosting plugins, etc.)
Yes, mainly GigPerformer 3 on OS X. Sometimes Equator 2 standalone. Sometimes MEC and/or EigenD on rPI, but mostly just for experimentation.
On which operating systems are you using your Eigenharp software?
Mainly OS X Catalina, sometimes Windows 10. Linux for rPI.
Additional notes
I don’t use the headphone/mic connectors. I send some midi CCs etc. from certain keys to interact with GigPerformer via GigPerformer scripts.
I still actively have a MBP and a mac mini (El Capitan and Sierra) even updated along the times with SSD and maxed RAM, for better words are “closed in time” - as is.
Ohhh my iMac is on High Sierra… by now also “vintage” - but still strong.
Which layout do you use?
Mostly diatonic linear, sometimes block layout.
Do you use EigenD agents for sound generation (if yes: which?) or only MIDI out?
MIDI out only.
Which of the EigenD tools do you use? Workbench, EigenCommander, EigenBrowser, brpc?
Workbench for basic configuration, scales etc., brpc from Max for switching scales and playing parameters, LEDs etc.
Do you rely on / use Belcanto?
Yes, for configuration and parameter/behavior switching/control via RPC from Max.
Which additional features of EigenD do you use?
None, I think.
But I do not know what’s “additional” and what’s not …
Do you use additional non-EigenD software with your Eigenharp?
Max, Bidule, Logic, standalone software instruments, hardware synths.
On which operating systems are you using your Eigenharp software?
I used Mojave on MacBook Pro, the computer is broken.
Now I have to use Big Sur on Apple Mac mini M1.
Which Eigenharp do you use?
Alpha, and occasionally Pico (but mainly just as a MIDI controller)
Which layout do you use?
Modified Factory 1 & 2. A layout for the Sonic Couture handpans.
Do you use EigenD agents for sound generation (if yes: which?) or only MIDI out?
Which of the EigenD tools do you use? Workbench, EigenCommander, EigenBrowser, brpc
Do you rely on / use Belcanto?
No (though I do feel like I should spend some time getting up to speed with Creator)
Which additional features of EigenD do you use?
Keygroups, Illuminator,
Do you use additional non-EigenD software with your Eigenharp? (thetechnobear’s MEC or creator, a DAW for hosting plugins, etc.)
Live (but have been meaning to check out Gig Performer for some time).
On which operating systems are you using your Eigenharp software?
Mac OS - High Sierra or Mojave (the Mini isn’t powered on right now)
additional notes
I have no reasonable excuse for not having tried to use the Eigenharp to drive my Continuum as a sound engine.
Do you use EigenD agents for sound generation (if yes: which?) or only MIDI out?
Live Pad for ableton live
MIDI out
Which of the EigenD tools do you use? Workbench, EigenCommander, EigenBrowser, brpc
Do you rely on / use Belcanto?
I used to use it in earlier versions of EigenD, but now I don’t use it at all.
Which additional features of EigenD do you use?
Do you use additional non-EigenD software with your Eigenharp?
ableton Live 10 & 11
On which operating systems are you using your Eigenharp software?
MacOS Mojave or Catalina
Additional notes
I often use the Recorder agents as a Looper, Record and Unplay/cancel recording are controlled from a Boss FS-6 Dual Footswitch with a custom written talker.
Which layout do you use?
(from Midi Basic/Alpha/Experimental SetUp)
… Midi Main : I go to “Stage” and choose Octave on 3 / Tonic 0 / Chromatic
… Midi Percussion : Octave 1 / Tonic 0 / Chromatic
Do you use EigenD agents for sound generation (if yes: which?) or only MIDI out?
… Only Midi out
Which of the EigenD tools do you use? Workbench, EigenCommander, EigenBrowser, brpc
… this last years with OS X 10.7.5 : EigenBrowser to program new scales into “stage” (with …Factory Setups / 1 Split Standard Setup)
But Now with my new macbook pro and OS Catalina … i use only "Experimental setup, Midi Basic
Do you rely on / use Belcanto?
Which additional features of EigenD do you use?
A special Config Midi Converter 1 into “Window Menu” to configure my Sustain pedal
Do you use additional non-EigenD software with your Eigenharp? (thetechnobear’s MEC or creator, a DAW for hosting plugins, etc.)
… DAW : Ableton Live 11 and… Kontakt 6, Trilian, Reaktor
On which operating systems are you using your Eigenharp software?
additional notes
a simple question may be if it’s easy ? From Midi Basic Setup … I don’t Know how turn the lights Off for some special performances situation…
Do you use EigenD agents for sound generation (if yes: which?) or only MIDI out?
Only MIDI out
Which of the EigenD tools do you use? Workbench, EigenCommander, EigenBrowser, brpc
Midi converter, Stage
Do you rely on / use Belcanto?
Not really
Which additional features of EigenD do you use?
Do you use additional non-EigenD software with your Eigenharp? (thetechnobear’s MEC or creator, a DAW for hosting plugins, etc.)
I use various DAWs - Bitwig, Live, Logic
On which operating systems are you using your Eigenharp software? MacOS Catalina
additional notes. It’s still not particularly stable for me but I have a soft spot for my Pico, so still use it now and again as sometimes the results are surprising compared to other controllers and I like surprising.
-Various layouts depending on the project, but have settled into a somewhat hacked Factory 1 layout for non-solo performance.
Do you use EigenD agents for sound generation (if yes: which?) or only MIDI out?
I used to use more but have settled into the VST/AU slots, drummer, and midi. I still have some live solo performances which use 4 soundfont slots, 4 au slots, drummer, and midi.
Which of the EigenD tools do you use? Workbench, EigenCommander, EigenBrowser, brpc
Workbench and Stage.
Do you rely on / use Belcanto?
Which additional features of EigenD do you use?
I am relying less on EigenD and am actively looking to replace it since it has stopped being stable (I’m now on Catalina)
Do you use additional non-EigenD software with your Eigenharp? (thetechnobear’s MEC or creator, a DAW for hosting plugins, etc.)
Exploring options. In the studio I use DP11 which now supports MPC. Given that there is still time to work out the solo rig, there’s time to find better solutions.
On which operating systems are you using your Eigenharp software?
additional notes
Have been heavily dependent on EigenD for 10 years for solo performance, mainly because travelling light has been a priority for international travel. As such the setups have been very heavy. But I can do things in Max, and perhaps looking at performance requirements differently I will become much less reliant on those heavy EigenD setups.