I am having an issue with my Striso Board #195 where the sound spikes when adding another note. It occasionally happens with different adjacent note combinations. But when playing between G A B the spike is repeatable. I made a 1-minute video trying to show what I mean. I hope this link works.VTel Databarn
I reverted to the 2.2.0 version. Same issue, Then back to 2.2.1 no change. My Other Striso board is working fine.
Also, I should add that all the notes on the board sound good alone. The spike happens when combining one note with another; mostly combining A G and B, but sometimes they sound good.
I’ve had this exact problem. There seems to be a cross-talk issue that’s at a hardware level. With my version of the software I accommodate for it somewhat by using a mix of velocity and pressure to determine the amplitude of a given note, but it doesn’t fix it entirely.
Thanks Frank!! I will try to adjust my settings to minimize the spike.
A couple weeks ago when I first noticed the problem, I make a video. Then, notes A and B were spiking but only when I played across the board, flats to sharps or sharps to flats, to A and B. If i played down the board, in pitch, to A and B, they combined perfectly. But it’s spiking differently now. It seems to be changing.