thats not the ‘issue’ here…
the project is actually delivering to backers, right now…
however, a few (like @RiK ) have been critical of the project (and its management), and so Synthesthesia decided to unilateral cancel these ‘critical’ backers pledges.
so people like Rik have waited nearly 3 years, and just as they about to get thier units - they were cancelled.
we can only assume, that Synthesthesia were concerned that these backers would give poor reviews of Pipes, and so decided to cut them out… or, they were just being ‘spiteful’ - but frankly, neither is very professional.
delays and issues are very frequent on KS projects, its the nature of the beast - and this will inevitably means backers get concerned, and possible critical (esp when a project runs very late, as this has) .
Most often these escalates when either projects go ‘dark’ and stop communicatig and/or get defensive.
but as a buisiness that has accepted investment (!) , you need to accept and listen, and most importantly communicate … and also, however hard it is (and it is very hard) to NOT take critcism personally.
you have to remember, that people will have different opinions and perspectives, and indeed sometimes this valid, sometimes its harsh, or even invalid… so you do your best, remain calm and professional.
If you cannot do this (and developers are not always the best at this ) … then get someone else to do the backer/social media engagement - that detachment, and also ‘buffer’ can be really helpful.
Unfortunately, many projects on KS are one band bands, delivering personal dreams - many have little or no commercial experience - so this does happen
whats a little surprising here, is usually the worst happens in the middle of the project cycle… since this is when things start going wrong, and stress on developers is immense… and its hard to see any end in sight.
in this case, they were on the home straight …
sure, there may still be disappointed users, and critcism due to bugs - again ‘take it on the chin’
but with the hardware delivered, they’ll have time to work on that… build up the reputation.
so this really feels like an ‘own goal’ in extra time!