Touch Sensor Durability

I can’t seem to find any information yet on the overall durability of the touch sensors in this device. I know that the LinnStrument FAQ advises that high force can wear out the touch sensors. I see that both devices uses force sensing resistors, so when I see drumsticks come out I wince a little bit.

Is there some major difference in how these devices layer the touch surface and controller that somehow makes the Erae less prone to damage? Or is it a wait and see situation?

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@embodme said they have designed for this use-case ( unlike linnstrument) , so you’d assume they have done some testing … hopefully prototypes with users and automated.

I don’t think you’d make the claim and ‘wait and see’ - it’d leave you open to warranty claims.

( * ) bare in mind they even talked of replacing the top layer of/when it gets marks from sticks.

Not sure they have talked of technical difference, But the structure iirc is quite simple ( 3 layers) , so I’d assume something to do with the top silicone layer, and perhaps how it distributes forces?

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Yeah lol, I didn’t mean to suggest that they made the claim, only that being such early days, no-one has had the opportunity to find out. I misread your sentence, I see what you’re saying - if drum sticks were promoted then it stands to reason that due diligence was done.

Yeah perhaps, I’ve never played either the Linnstrument or this so don’t have any experiential notes to add. I thought the calibration screen on the Erae Touch was pretty interesting in being able to mitigate stuck notes due to the silicone layer shifting. And perhaps this would also be useful if any of the FSRs were ever damaged.

The Alternate Mode DrumKat 3.8 has a fantastic track record regarding durability for a vintage instrument which is meant to be banged on with various drum sticks… While i don’t know the specifics of their tech which seems to differ a bit from Rolands mesh, Alternate Mode continues to sell “replacement” pads which could be used in a DIY project.