Virtual Striso: Try before you buy, part 2

I have created a virtual striso to try before you buy.


  • Tilt (y) and Bend (x)
  • Accelerometer and gyroscope (smartphone only)
  • Onboard synthesizer
  • Midi Input (connect a piano, visualize notes, hear the onboard synth)
  • Midi Output: Test your MPE-enabled VST’s
  • Connect tablet to desktop with a peer-to-peer connection, allowing you to use your tablet as input device, but your desktop as DAW.
  • Play MIDI files to visualize notes.

Being virtual, the Striso lacks velocity and haptic feedback, which is of course a big part of its expressive ability. However, I think the virtual striso might serve as a MPE-controller on its own.

Additionally, I have created a series of Custom Web Compents to create your own Striso Web App. You can use this to create your own tools. For example:

  • Visualize chords on the d-compose note layout.
  • Play MIDI files.

I plan to use these custom web components to create a tutorial on the d-compose note layout, as this new note layout is work exploring and talking about. For me, knowing if I like the d-compose note layout helps me decide if I like the striso as an instrument.

Also, it might be fun to create a chord explorer, a musical ear training game (guess the note), or a guitar hero equivalent (if the web is fast enough to score timing).

For webdevelopers who know modern webdevelopment, all code is open source on github: GitHub - markmarijnissen/strisostudio