Welcome to Eagan Matrix Dev

Welcome to the Eagan Matrix Dev category.

This category is primarily for discussions about developing for the Eagan Matrix, primarily for overlays but also other use-cases.

say hi in this topic, if you are going down this new fun route :slight_smile:


Thanks for setting this up!

  • Is there a way of seeing who already has access to the group?
  • Anyone from Haken Audio here?

Yes Iā€™m here :slight_smile:
Happy to see a community possibly growing here, and happy to help and contribute when useful


This is the newly stabilised and latest Eagan Matrix MIDI protocol definition. It will be made public at some point, but until then, please keep it strictly inside this private forum.
HakenMidi.txt (102.3 KB)

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Welcome Christophe! Glad to see you here.

I have ContMidi.h and the HE package as of 10.34. Whatā€™s the best way to stay current with updates? I donā€™t want to be a bother and keep pinging Lippold. I know others have more recent versions, and I donā€™t think itā€™s a great idea to be sending copies around privately. I donā€™t have any overlays or overlay presets.

If thereā€™s a good way for the people in this group to stay current, we can avoid some confusion, and working together we can reduce the amount of redundant bug reporting.

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the file has ā€˜tagsā€™ for 10.35 so its pretty easy to see changesā€¦ and ofc, you can just diff it :wink:

personally, what Id recommend isā€¦

a) put ContMidi into private GitHub.
Haken can create a GitHub (for now) PRIVATE repo, and then can invite developers (aka contributors) to grant access, on release repo can be made public.
having it under version control, will also allow for comments/change log.

b) license.
for 3rd parties to use this file (which I think is to be encouraged.)
this file needs to have something like an MIT license associated with it.

I donā€™t personally see why this would be an issue, it is not an implementation its just a bunch of definitions, only useful to be used with haken products :wink:

the current ā€˜licenseā€™ , is incompatible with 3rd party GPL projects, and risky for commercial projects alike

// Haken Audio Midi Protocol by Lippold Haken, (C) Copyright 1999-2024.

c) ideally, itā€™d be nice to have the header file also delivered with the firmware.
so that we know on release that the header file and firmware match :wink:

but hey, this kind of project organisation, vital once you get 3rd party devs involved, will take a little time to evolve - as its a broadening of interests from a select group :slight_smile:

on left hand side, you can selects groups ā€¦ and it the EaganMatrixDev group (unimaginative I know!)
hereā€™s a shortcut - https://community.polyexpression.com/g/EaganMatrixDev

note: only mods/admins and members of the group can see itā€¦ its top secret :laughing:


I vociferously concur on every point.

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I agree with you Mark, also these are things to done before final release, there is probably no real hurry for now.
Note that the ContMidi .h has been renamed HakenMidi.h - HakenMidi.txt


noted, and update , thanks

note 1 : Iā€™ve added .h/.c as allowed extensions so you donā€™t have to rename now.
note 2: your mixing up your cr/lf convention within HakenMidi.h :wink:

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The firmware implementing the overlay protocol et getting more and more stable (and full feature). Here is a link to the 10.38 that you may use to test your developments. Of course, please keep it inside this group for now.
Haken Editor 1038.zip - Google Drive


Thank you, Christophe! ā€“ Iā€™ve been holding off further development until I get something newer than 10.34. Now that my Kitchen is nearly done, I can return to EM development.

Few random immediate thoughts:

  1. Happy to see HakenMidi.h included in the package. Up to now Iā€™ve had a newer header, but no firmware to go with it. Thank you!

  2. Built-in Kenton support has been removed from the FW, so Iā€™m curious why thereā€™s a Kenton Firmware folder included in the distribution. The readme in that folder doesnā€™t seem to mention anything about the Kenton support level in the post-10.09 firmware.

  3. ContinuuMini Summary Sheet.pdf says itā€™s for 10.09. No idea if itā€™s all still current. Iā€™ve been meaning to invite RK here, though heā€™s resisted to being in forums other than FB.

  4. The Beatstep templates appear to be old ones. Itā€™s likely that theyā€™ll need updates for the new FW. The docs are powerpoint files, probably better off as PDF so that more people can access them.

  5. Given all the videos Josh Madoff has made showing him using the NanoKontrol2, it might be nice if a good template for it were included. Josh told me he started with mine that I shared on the forums. Iā€™ve made some improvements and Iā€™ll be updating it for the new FW. If youā€™re interested in the contribution, Iā€™d be happy to provide it along with documentation (just need a deadline :-).

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Hi Paul,
Thanks. This is still a work in progress and the doc and accompanying files are not updated yet.
Thanks for the NanoKontrol2. Iā€™m not sure what is the best way to go, as you mentioned some support were dropped (but I know that there are discussions about the Kentonā€¦), maybe we should share these type of files outside of the firmware distribution.

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I really like the idea of having a separate place for the 3rd party data/info.

The RK guides are essential across the EE/Haken ecosystem, but he doesnā€™t have a good distribution story for new docs/templates and updates.

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@Anckorage : Whatā€™s the preferred way to report issues with the new FW/editor? support@hakenaudio.com?

Probably too easy for things to get lost in discussion here, and Lippold will see everything on support.

I need to do more investigation, but it seems that MIDI from external controllers are not getting routed to the device in the Haken Editor, despite being configured for input and the MIDI routing looking correct in HE.

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Reporting directly to Lippold is definitely NOT the best way to go :wink:
We need to have well ā€œtestedā€ and repeatable bug and sort them by priority (Iā€™m still not reporting minor issues for this firmware).
Not routed external controllers seams weird to me, since my Osmose is always routed to my Slim and EM ā€¦

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Narrowed this down:

My NanoKontrol2 was configured to send on Channel 16. Ch 16 works fine when routed to the device using something other than the Haken Editor. Changing the NanoKontrol config to send on Ch 1 works with the 10.38 HE.

The changes from the controller are still not reflected on the dials in the Haken Editor. In 10.09, twisting the knob on the controller updates the knobs in the editor so you can see the exact values that the engine is using. The external MIDI is reflected to the device MIDI output (on ch 16). This reflection doesnā€™t happen with the new firmware, so the UI doesnā€™t update in both HE and my VCV Rack plugin. The lack of visual feedback makes it much harder to use the editor or my plugin with an external controller, especially when you want to dial in a setting by the numbers.

In 10.35, MIDI from my Keystep32 was seriously broken, but the Keystep32 is working just fine now with 10.38.

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are you talking about macros i-vi ? other macros ? any other CC and dialog ?
Also check the new MIDI log in the 10.38 editor, it is much much better than before and will help understanding the dialog

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Havenā€™t checked out the logging yet.

As for lack of MIDI reflection to ch16 from external controllers like the NanoKontrol sending on channel 1, itā€™s the same for everything Iā€™ve mapped on the controller: Macros i-vi, post level, pedal values, and the recirculator controls. I can observe the same behavior in the Haken Editor and using VCV Rack and my plugin. In my plugin, I do see the initial values of all the parameters when a preset is changed or requested using ch16 cc109, 16.

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Thanks for adding me to this group!

Currently discovering how to communicate with 10.38 macros from Max patches.
I notice the same thing about macro i to vi, they do not graphically update.
Regarding graphs, when I send a stream poke, they donā€™t graphically update either. However, if I switch on tab C1 (for example) and then switch back on graph, the 48 sliders are updated.

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7 posts were split to a new topic: Preset corruption?