This day has finally come
The keyboards on rows 1-6 of the fourth column from the top left of my Eigenharp Alpha Mk 1.0, which I purchased in 2010, have suffered a hardware failure.
I first noticed the anomaly immediately after turning on the power, when those six keyboards began to show intermittent fine orange blinking.
Later, I was able to confirm that the LEDs had not failed, but the problem was more serious.
The six keys transmitted barely information when the keyboard was pressed down very hard for Note on/off, channel pressure, and Pitch Wheel, but no signals at all for Aftertouch and Control (coarse), and the velocity values were not very high at all. The velocity value is only a fixed value of 64, even when the keyboard is hit very hard.
I have no idea how the alpha keyboard is constructed, but I suspect that the six keys are organized as a group and that some component on the base has reached the end of its life.
I live in Japan, so the chances of getting repair support from Eigenlabs are pretty small, but I still love this instrument the most after 13 years since I bought it, and I would like to solve this problem somehow.
I am waiting for your advice and any good information or ideas on repairing the Alpha keyboard.