Eigenharp Pico need help!

Hi there! I would recommend to install the latest community edition with many fixes and extensions from @thetechnobear : How to install and run EigenD in 2023+ [wiki]

I guess nobody else(?) has tested EigenD on Win7 in the last years. But I am at least not aware that it doesn’t work, so it’s worth a try.

Also ensure that the driver was successfully loaded in the device manager. This can be a matter of installing/uninstalling and finding the right USB port initially on Windows. Fortunately, as soon as it works it usually keeps working.

If you have access to a Mac (a cheap used one should be sufficient) it might also be worth to look into Meta Morph (which is Mac-only atm.), This is a collection of Eigenharp modules for the virtual modular environment VCV. It offers access to the entire VCV plugin ecosystem while still maintaining (close to) audio-rate modulations that EigenD was made for.

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