Using the Organelle as MIDI router between Continuum and Morphs (or Linnstrument etc.) (Thanks to a tutorial thread from @thetechnobear :
Morph(USB)-to-Organelle-to-Continuumini(USB) works well with that combo. Morph(USB)-to-Organelle-to-PC(DIN-MIDI-Interface) still leads to some queueing when playing faster notes. Still have to test with Organelle OS 4, improvements in that departement are in the release notes, so sounds promising.
Also I still sometimes get hanging notes when trying to play more than two notes with Organelle-internal synths.
But Morph->Organelle->Continuumini is a lot of fun! And Eigenharp->Organelle(MEC)->Continuumini is also great! My EaganMatrix goto presets atm.: 1011 (so good and versatile! Can do string-like, vocal-like and “crazy” sounds all from the same preset) and I think 406 (simple but nice).
P.S.: When adding several MIDI controllers (like my four Morphs) to the Organelle some configuration changes are needed to get audio-out of the Organelle to work with that combo, because the ID of the Organelle audio card changes in that case. There is also a thread from @thetechnobear how to fix this: