Loris: Spectral analysis for the Continuum

Looks like @Anckorage has been very busy. He’s posted some exciting teasers on the Haken FB page. Hope those going to Superbooth can fill in some more details of how this works and sounds!


yeah, just saw that post… interesting stuff…

here’s the pic for those not on the Haken Facebook grounp

I assume in principle its doing some kind of FFT to get the frequency spectrum of a sample, so you can then use for additive synthesis (?) by using the partials … which then can be exported to Eagen Matrix in its native format? (is the EaganMatrix spectral format documented?)

however, looks like (as always :)) , theres quite a lot more to it in practice, it’ll be interesting to see how the parameters can be used to fine tune the analysis… my assumption is certain settings will work better for different sample content.
It’ll also be interesting to hear, what the final results are on the Continuum etc.

sounds like a good solution, I remember Haken saying they were too interested in sample playback (too limiting to what you can do it?), but this feels like a nice approach.

other synths Ive used which do something like this called it ‘resynthsis’… and it was interesting, though the tools were a bit dodgy … this looks much more focused :slight_smile:

I do find it amusing that Christophe decided to take a picture of the screen with his phone (?) … hence the moire pattern… rather than do a screen/window capture :laughing: .


Catching up… additional reading


Come to the booth next week for a demo :blush:


Oooh, interesting stuff, thanks for posting this @keymanpal

definitely will be popping by @Anckorage :slight_smile:


Please report back. I am very eager to learn more. Thanks!


Any updates on this? I haven’t updated firmware recently, but I see version 10 just was released. I didn’t notice anything about spectral analysis or sample resynthesis, etc, in the release notes, though. Ive been banned from Facebook (by myself) so I don’t have access to the posts on the Facebook group.

The Mahling presets are fun (not being sarcastic - they ARE fun !), but it would be nice to deepen the “sample” pool at some point, too.

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No FB traffic regarding spectral analysis so far since the v10 firmware/editor update (just the normal install/update questions and issues).

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Ah I’ve just been talking about this stuff on an Osmose thread, because its the one engine feature I know is already in there, just missing the converter app. I got so excited about this when they first added it to the engine (pre-Osmose) that I’m afraid I sometimes use frustrated language at the lack of the tool to make out own becoming available to us so far.

Anyway, here is a more recent video, made since this thread was last active:

And this older one in French (that I cannot speak) that was still interesting and does predate this thread:

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I have a preview of the coming firmware, and there are new functions for the spectral sets. That doesn’t mean that the whole feature including the pc software will appear in the next release, but it’s at least getting closer.


Off topic, but what is this short Continuum he plays ?
It seems to be a 2 octaves version, or even less ?
I want it !

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That’s a ContinuuMini.

Midi note range without transpose is 52-80. Duotactic – not a polyphonic playing surface. Mostly mono, but you can play two notes with coupled Y and Z. It has 2x DSP like the EaganMatrix Module for EuroRack. Really a different instrument than any of the Continuums due to the different playing surface design. Requires a distinctly different playing technique than a regular Continuum. It’s a lot of fun, and can be driven by external midi, and much more affordable.

The playing experience isn’t for everyone, so if you’re interested, I recommend you get your hands on one to try it out for a bit.

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Oh sorry, no, not the Continuumini, but on the first video, for instance at 35’50, it looks like a Continuum slim but shorter than 4 octaves. Or is it only an effect of the perspective view ?

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Probably a Slim 46.

I’d love to have one, for the portability.

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Yes, I suppose so… but when he plays I find that his gesture is very short to go from one side to the other one.
Anyway, a 2 octaves only version at half the price will be very attractive !

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Yes, if you compare its (foreshortened) length to the Osmose on the other side of the table, it’s very close, so it must be a Slim46. It’s 75% the price of a Slim70.

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I can assure you it was a Slim 46, I was there.
I understand the feeling but it’s an effect of the perspective view


If, like me, you have been very eagerly awaiting the new Loris resynthesis, you’ll be pleased to hear that there are some videos to watch (while you wait a little longer! :wink:), that explain how to use the new tools!! The videos are super, and very clearly explain how the tools work, and how to get the best results from then analysis.

Here’s hoping for a Christmas present from @Anckorage!!


Yes, I Hope to have it published before Christmas
It has been such a huge amount of work :blush: I mean, fun work


congratulations @Anckorage , huge achievement !