Reprogram layout?


I see that it’s possible to change the Striso config if it’s mounted as a PC drive. But is it possible to fully change the key layout to be more like the layouts in Musix Pro (eg, see I’m very new to playing, and I like when all the chords of the same type use the same finger shape (eg, all the major chords are one shape, all the minor chords are the same shape, and so on).




Hi Simon, Welcome to the community.

Within the obvious limits of the actual physical hardware (the buttons aren’t quite a hexagram) you can assign the buttons to any sound value you like, the only limitation is your technical skill. As I understand it, at this time you can modify it so that it sends any midi note you like from any key. I’m unsure of how it behaves when you use it’s built in synth. Even if you can’t change it in the web interface the entirety of the firmware is open source and an be modified with some mixture of technical know-how, patience and help from the kind people in this group.

Assuming that your needs aren’t just met by the web interface I put together a basic set of instructions for how to rebuild the firmware yourself. From there it’s a bit of fooling around.

Good luck,

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Hello, Simon. I am a huge Striso fan, and still quite new to it, so the settings and firmware and open-source computery-stuff is new to me, too. But I have used MusixPro for years, and it (and my Wicki/Hayden concertinas) pointed me straight at the Striso. Unless I am misreading your question, you want all minor chords to share a shape, and all major chords, etc. I believe if you use the Wicki-Hayden layout on MusixPro, you’ll get just that sort of isomorphism…as you will on the Striso. Examples: An easy three finger triangle of index/middle/ring fingers, with the the the middle a row higher and the index and ring skipping one button on their same row=Major chord. Same index and ring position, but “flip” the middle finger to the row below the other two=Minor.

I am not sure you didn’t want some of the many other cool MusixPro layouts, but that’s the one that the Striso plays naturally, and I believe exceptionally well.

And, if you are an iPad musician, what synths/instruments do you/will you use along with the input controller(s)?

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Thank you, Frank and David!

Good point - I’ll switch MusixPro to the Wicki-Hayden layout to experiment.

if you are an iPad musician,

Well, I learned only a few months ago that chords consist of three or more notes. :slight_smile: I’m just trying to use MusixPro and Striso to make some simple music but avoid learning to play piano.

I’m more comfortable with coding, so might try to change the firmware if Wicki-Hayden doesn’t work out.


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I bet you’ll be fine with the MusixPro Wicki-Hayden, and off you’ll go…

Since you describe your musical journey as, shall we say, near the beginning, let me offer what may be redundant suggestions for the Wicki-Hayden/Striso:

The built-in Striso “piano” voice sounds nice, but I almost always put it through the iPad’s ThumbJam and/or GeoShred with a few extra instruments purchased from them. But ThumbJam as a start is a veritable treasure trove for something like 10 dollars, with very nice instruments and scales, etc.,

And, your goal of making simple music without learning to play the piano is shared, I suspect, by millions (including me!) who are intimidated by the realization that the 12 keys of the dominant western musical world require 12 different patterns on the piano keyboard! Meanwhile, the Wicki-Hayden layout requires but the one, with the keys being differentiated by simply starting the pattern on a different button, while playing the same “123-1234-1” on ascending rows. Magic, for me!

Oh, and one “special” feature of the ThumbJam app: Any scale (and I dabble a lot with minor scales, blues scales, different modes, and all) can be “locked” to the “white keys” so you can be a jazz player or a Klezmer player or any number of different scale-dependent genres by choosing that scale and locking it to the white keys, while also choosing “C Major” or “Bflat” scales, or whatever suits.

I hope you have fun!


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I tried thumbjam a bit but i struggle with the settings. If i turn on aftertouch i cant play pizzicato anymore. Is there a way to have both?

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Are you aware that chord shapes on the standard striso layout already are the same finger shape?


I tried the Wicki/Hayden layout in MusixPro, but I can’t even find some of the chords, and overall consider it much less intuitive than the Harmonic layout (Harmonic Table Keyboard Information)

So I’m looking at the source code to see which part maps keys to notes. Looks like it’s in
striso-control-firmware/synth_control.cpp at main · striso/striso-control-firmware · GitHub, but I don’t see the specific section - any advice?


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Hi @simonf,
You can see the Striso layout as a harmonic table (or Tonnetz) with extra rows in between, like this:
This may help you get familiar with the Striso or Wicki/Hayden layout. The benefits of the Striso layout are in playing melodies, which is way more logical than on the harmonic table. A benefit of the harmonic table is that you can play chords with a single finger.

If you want to try the harmonic table layout on the Striso this can be easily done through the configuration editor. Choose a tuning that you want to modify, and set Fifth interval to 700 and Octave interval to 1000. Then the line of fifths stays, but the major second (whole note) becomes a major third (2x700 - 1000 = 400 cent), turning the layout into a harmonic table.

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@pierstitus : thank you very much, I think I’ve done that (changed Fifth and Octave for one of the Tuning configs) and saved the new config file back to the board. How can I now generate the new key map?

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You have to load a tuning by pressing the settings [square] button together with a key in the middle row. See the quick reference guide for the settings overview.

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Right, I understand now how to load the tunings. But how do I know which key now plays which note using the new tuning? I can’t just tell from hearing them.

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How about changing the major second to a minor second? What should be the value of the Octave? 1300?
I just want to try a classic string 4ths tuning.


The following values will give the fourths with minor seconds layout:
Octave: 1100
Fifth: 600