I’m using drum grids or keys in four different presets I’ve created to play BFD’s drums hosted in Bitwig. I disable all Pressure, Vibrato, and X- and Y- related stuff. Playing straight eighth notes at about 110 BPM, I get frequent double actuations at all the grid positions and keys that I’ve checked. I’d say about 1 in 5 times, a non-rhythmic flam comes out instead of 1 eighth note. I’ve verified this using MIDI Monitor. I can sometimes make it happen when playing one note or two notes, but when I play groups of three notes, MIDI Monitor verifies that–consistantly–about 1 in every 3-5 times, there are four MIDI note on’s. A stream of eighth notes results in random doublings.
Playing the same BFD/Bitwig setup with my other connected controller, a Zendrum set up to transmit the same MIDI note numbers on the same channel, I don’t get a single error of this type. This error is a dealbreaker for me since I’m all about the drum controller, with everything else being gravy. I can’t think of anything else to troubleshoot. It would be nice if the Erae had a way to suppress channel pressure since I’ve suppressed everything except that, and channel pressure seems to be the only difference from the Zendrum, which is triggers only.
The Zendrum always transmit snote off immediately after its note on, with no way to control the note off’s timing. The Erae, of course, doesn’t transmit the note off until you release, and then it transmits note off velocity. I wonder if they could make a dedicated drum element for situations where you only need the note on, and that only transmits note on followed by a note off after a fixed interval, or an option for no note off at all because percussion plugins like BFD make no use of the note off.