Unwanted double actuations

I get this with the morph as well I think it is a result of the sensativity as far as the morph is concerned. Fortunately I am in complete protest of nit picky things like precise timing, I turned quantifying off never to be used again so I just incorporate the individuals quirks of the instruments,
midi filtering or a linnstrument probably your best bet, or learn to tap firmly with no bounce and it would have to be very precise

you mean double actuations?
I did talk to @embodme about this… it is something that can be improved…

so any pressure sensitive device will be susceptible to this…
basically they have an ‘activation’ point to trigger notes on /off…
but the sensors always waver on pressure (not only technically, but also your touch changes ever so slightly)

there are two solutions…
simplest is filtering this will be precent on Erae Touch, but can often be fine tuned.
the second (which Im not sure is present, but maybe) is a hysteresis window on the touch,
basically this means when it won’t ‘flutter’ between the on/off position.

(there are little hacks too, like not allowing note on, too quickly (e.g. < 1ms) after note off… this is a kind of limited hysteresis solution)

obviously both of these ‘compromise’ the direct touch feel , but unless extreme values are used - players cannot tell - it just feels a bit more ‘solid’.

I was really hoping after my talk with @embodme that the next firmware might look at improving these playability concerns.
I really don’t need any new features from the Erae Touch, but Id love some optimisation on feel, and also to be able to tune it a little ( e.g. curves on pressure)

This happened with the Linnstrument, it was good on release, but they worked hard on improving the feel over the months/years to make it extremely playable.

don’t get me wrong, I personally think the Touch is good, particularly for an initial release.
however, I did hope that we’d have started to see a few refinements… as I think it could be not just good, but excellent with a bit of work.

all that said, I guess we have just passed the holiday season - so perhaps the new year will bring us some improvements.

if @embodme don’t have the dev resources, then id encourage them to make the firmware open source - perhaps the community could contribute… Ive contribute to both Eigenharp and Soundplane, so Id be interested in this route :slight_smile:


They released a calibration video on January 25th. Did this solve anyone’s problems?

I think most of us already knew about this … its mentioned in the manual.
so, its nothing new.

Im a bit surprised/disappointed, we haven’t seen any updates in firmware from @embodme … its been quite a while since the last, and Id hoped in the first few months we would see some steady but continual improvements :frowning:


All the same :frowning:
It is well known that the automatic calibration does not improve in any way the discrepency of the captors.
My ET is still in its sleeve waiting for at least some mean to edit the pressure while waiting for a firmware solution?

  seems to me and I am just a newborn, but in my way a brilliant one, or completely insane the jury i kind of flip flops on that verdict. My various arts suggest it depends on what day it is lol. Anyway I would suggest now to seek third party application geared towards midi message filtering.
   I have the same issue and I work with newer items with mpe as well and motion tech. Make sure retrigger is off, then use 3rd party software to filter messages below a certain velocity level or some such 
   on my morph the velocity based filter would probably work best for example because it retrigger quite easily with very little pressure. I like it for ghost notes when making beats and my style does not rely on precision at this point so for me the problem is every damned move I make produces some type of articulation, I am trying to come up with a fast gesture that allows me to kill all midi, another one to rest, note off won't work cuz who knows what notes need to be killed? 
   The software has global mute but no way to turn everything back on lol

Seems I’m up against this issue. I’ve mapped a button to mute my channel in Bitwig, and it often double triggers on me. I also notice it when playing notes into my synth sometimes.

Of course we would love to hear from Embodme on this. An improvement in firmware would be ideal.

But @Infinate_sorrow mentioned a third party tool for filtering the midi… Has anyone been successful in using any type of tool for eliminating these double triggers?

have you tried messing with the minimum pressure setting in Erae Lab?
setting the minimum higher, should avoid double triggers.

also make sure you are on the latest firmware, as things were definitely improved.

however, this is at the expense of subtle control, though thats not really needed for mute switches :wink: though, annoyingly this settings is global, so you cannot just set it up for a particular preset, or region on the pad… so if you use for multiple uses. that could be a pain.

as for filtering, this could be tricky to do depending on the exact nature of the messages…
I canot think of any software that does it out of the box, but you could do with something like Max (or your own code if you are a dev)…
this would be easy enough on a Mac, since you can read the hardware in that filter code, then output on a virtual midi port which you’d use within bitwig.
(you can do similar on windows, but you need some extra software for virtual midi ports)

as for a fix, you are probably best to email @embodme , see what they suggest.
unfortunately, as you can read on this forum, there have been mixed experiences with the ET, some have very few issues, others have had a ‘less that ideal’ experience :wink: